08/17/2012 - Sheriff Wright responds to Rolling Thunder Critic

On Wednesday, August 15, 2012, the Spartanburg Herald-Journal gave a letter written to them the distinction of being classified as a "Special to the Herald-Journal" complete with a photo of the author of this letter. The newspaper also went on to refer to the writer of the letter as a "Guest Columnist". Here is a link to that letter that may be found on the website of the Spartanburg Herald-Journal, http://www.goupstate.com/article/20120815/ARTICLES/120819810/1083/ARTICLES . After you read the letter then take a few minutes and look at the dashcam video of the traffic stop Mr. Chuck DiRico writes about. See how many false statements you can pick out from Mr. DiRico's letter to the newspaper that was given such special treatment. Here is a link to the dashcam video of the traffic stop which shows what really happened that day, http://www.goupstate.com/article/20120816/ARTICLES/120819705/1083/ARTICLES?Title=Sheriff-releases-Rolling-Thunder-dashcam-video-of-traffic-stop . Law enforcement officers are taught from day one to go with the facts. When we go with what people tell us without checking on the facts we usually end up with a problem.  


To view video please click on above dash-cam still.