02/18/2018 - Homicide Suspect located and arrested after shooting on El Camino Real

At around 8:20 am on Sunday February 18th,  Deputies responded to a possible shooting call at 1908 El Camino Real in Spartanburg County. Upon their arrival on scene a male was being treated by EMS personnel. The male victim was transported to Spartanburg Medical Center where he was later pronounced dead from his injuries. A K-9 track was attempted but was unsuccessful in locating a suspect. This case is in its very early stages. We will provide updates to this case at the appropriate time.

UPDATE: 02/18/2018 -

A suspect has been identified and arrested for this incident. He is Andrew Ryan Murphy, B/M, DOB: 041793, 360 Ridgewood Ave., Spartanburg, SC, 29306. He is charged with Murder and Possession of a Weapon During the Commission of a Violent Crime. His motive for the incident appears to be anger over the victim being his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend.